Beacham & Company News

January 17th, 2010

Beacham & Company’s Blog Ranked #5 Real Estate Blog In The World

Beacham & Company’s blog, “This Photographer’s Life,” written by the Director of Creative Services and staff photographer Blayne Beacham, is ranked #5 in real estate blogs according to Beacham began “This Photographer’s Life” in October 2009 as a place to share stories about photographing luxury homes in Atlanta. People began reading immediately, interested to get a “behind the scenes tour” of the houses. Beacham’s love for art and photography resonated with her readers, who return over and over to look at the photographs and comment on the stories.

“I share more than real estate statistics on the blog,” Beacham says, “I share my opinions and what I love. The blog has a personality and a spirit, which is why so many people read it.” Since the first post, almost 90,000 people have visited the blog. “Many real estate blogs are stagnant,” according to Beacham, “but people come and comment and ask questions on my blog. That’s what makes it so cool!”

Glennis Beacham, founder of Beacham & Company, said that her daughter has made her a believer in the value of blogging.

“It is amazing how many people stop me to talk about Blayne’s blog,” Glennis said. “I was skeptical when she first came to me with the idea but it has proven to be a marketing homerun. We are all extremely proud of the work she has done to become one of the top five real estate blogs in the country.”

Beacham makes it a personal goal to respond to each and every comment. She develops personal relationships with readers, and spends hours finding out the answers to questions such as “what paint color did they use in the living room?” This lets our clients know we are doing something special to market their home, and it lets the blog readers know we care about the time they spent to ask the questions.

Beacham feels one of the most successful things she does on the blog is offer a free ad in “The Beacham Series” magazine. People send in entries for their companies. Beacham & Company agents vote on the entries and we narrow it down to 5 entries. Then those companies get their customers to visit the blog and the Beacham & Company Facebook page to vote. We had over 600 people visit the blog and Facebook page voting during the last contest. Those are people we may not have ordinarily visited, but now they know who we are. Many of those people signed up to have each new blog post emailed to them, so we connect with them several times a week.

To visit the Beacham & Company Blog, please visit